Wellness at Work VINYASA FLOW YOGA classes combine the elements of flow with form. Individual instruction makes them appropriate for every BODY.
Join me at the beautiful Balance Bethlehem for your yoga classes. Experience this energetically calming, and ascetically beautiful yoga studio. There are endless views into the snowy woods, it’s warm, it’s new AND it’s a real yoga studio – meant for you and your yoga practice!
Through individual instruction, and an emphasis on “listening” to your own body, these classes are geared to accommodate the “first timer” and the seasoned practitioner. Each pose has several components and can be modified to your needs. Yoga compliments daily living and activities; skiing, hiking, snow shoeing, walking, running, etc. Yoga helps to keep muscles limber and strong so they are less likely to be injured during physical activities.
FUNDAMENTALS OF FLOW YOGA Learn the fundamentals of Flow Yoga – Vinyasa Yoga. We will explore the foundation of the common poses; learn proper “yogic” breathing; learn to move with the breath, explore safe and easy modifications so every body type can participate; learn to transition from pose to pose in a graceful way; learn the philosophical foundations of this moving meditation style of yoga and how to unite the aspects of yourself – mind, body, and spirit. This class is for beginners and for those practitioners with “beginner’s mind.”
FLOW/FORM YOGA A weekly Saturday morning class – Katrine Barclay will be teaching the “flow” one Saturday, and Rose Goldblatt will be teaching the “form” of Flow/Form Yoga the next Saturday. Starting in July, Liz O’Dwyer will join the rotation. Classes will alternate in this manner every Saturday throughout the summer providing you with a variety of amazing, fun, similar but different styles of yoga.
“Flow” classes increase strength; enhance flexibility and balance, and create an awareness of how breath assists movement – getting you in the flow. “Form” classes are both dynamic and detailed and will help you engage both your body and your mind.